
  • Adecco Shanghai was invited to participate in the first Shanghai Human Resources Service Conference with the theme of "Gathering Talents and stimulating kinetic Energy"And joined hands with representatives of other enterprises and universities to launch the "Shanghai Human Resources Service into Campus Activities"

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台全球CEO Denis Machuel一行到访中国,期间进行了一系列客户拜访,就合作展开深入交流

  • Beijing Foreign Enterprise Deke Human Resources Service Shanghai Co., LTD党委书记、总经理宋菲菲作为上海市人大代表,出席上海市第十六届人民代表大会第二次会议And put forward a number of forward-looking proposals on the long-term development of human resources services

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台全球CEO Denis Machuel同集团高管一行再次受邀出席2024年世界经济论坛(WEF),并表示要像投资技术一样投资于人

  • 主题为“Ignite”(点燃)的2023 德科中国GLS领导者峰会(TAG China GLS)在丽江隆重举行


  • Song Feifei, Party secretary and managing director of Beijing Foreign Company Deke Human Resource Services Shanghai Co., LTD., was elected a deputy to the Shanghai People's Congress

  • Decco Shanghai is listed on the list of "Top 100 Tax Contributions of foreign-invested Enterprises in Shanghai"

  • Adecco Shanghai Company won the sixth place of the Top 100 Enterprises in Huangpu District of Shanghai in 2022

  • Decco Shanghai was appointed as the "Light of the Lintel · Global Institutional Ambassador" by Huangpu District.

  • The 2023 "Speed Up · Jump" Award ceremony of Foreign company Deco came to a successful conclusion

  • Deke Shanghai company staff restaurant "FA Food light" officially opened

  • The Party committee of FCO Shanghai has officially become a member of the Binjiang Party Building and Financial Bund Regional Party Building Joint meeting

  • Lin Weici, vice president of Huaihai Middle Road Chamber of Commerce, Huangpu District, Shanghai, visited the foreign company Deke Shanghai Company

  • Decco Shanghai was invited to light up the Huangpu "Global Service hub" brand

  • Denis Machuel, CEO of adecco Group, visited China

  • Denis Machuel, CEO of adecco Group, visited the Mayor of Shanghai and actively discussed cooperation

  • Minister of Human Resources and Social Security Wang Xiaoping meets with the global CEO of adecco Group

  • Denis Machuel, CEO of adecco Group, visited Huawei

  • The CEO of adecco Group was interviewed by CCTV CGTN to deeply discuss the China-Eu talent exchange and future development in the era of artificial intelligence

  • Denis Machuel, CEO of adecco Group, gives an exclusive interview to China Daily

  • Mr. Zeng met with Jean-Christophe Deslarzes, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Decco Group, Switzerland

  • Huangpu District Mayor Shen Shanzhou and his delegation visited the headquarters of Decco Group in Zurich, Switzerland

  • Denis Machuel, CEO of adecco China, visited Hangzhou Shangcheng District Government

  • Adecco Group Global Senior Vice President and adecco China CEO visit the Suzhou Industrial Park Management Committee

  • 2023 China-Eu Talent Forum successfully held in Switzerland, adecco Group and Peking University signed the first talent practice cooperation project

  • Adecco Group participated in the 6th China International Import Expo CIIE for the first time

  • Ni Ying, senior vice president of adecco Group and CEO of adecco China, was interviewed at the Expo and will continue to increase investment and innovation in China


  • Foreign company Deke Anhui company was established

  • The Board of Directors of adecco has announced the appointment of Denis Machuel as the Group's new CEO, effective July 1, 2022

  • Wen Qinshan, chairman of the foreign company, led the management to inspect and visit the various companies,Show concern for the physical and mental health and return to work status of employees, understand the difficulties they are currently facing and the completion of various businesses,On behalf of the board of directors, the company at all levels conveyed the shareholders' condolences and full support to the epidemic in Shanghai

  • Alain Dehaze, then CEO of adecco Group, was invited to participate in the "World Economic Forum 2022 video conference" and shared the importance of "corporate empathy" in retaining talent through an online essay

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台多位高管受邀出席“2022年世界经济论坛(又称冬季达沃斯论坛)”,时任CEO Alain Dehaze聚焦“人才吸引和保留”分享深刻见解

  • Zhao Yong, Standing Committee member of Huangpu District Party Committee and Deputy District Governor of Shanghai, visited Decke Shanghai Company to carry out a large visit and investigation of "promoting development and ensuring safety", accompanied by the District Commerce Committee, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the district Financial Office and the relevant person in charge of Xiaodong Gate Street

  • Lin Weici, vice president of Huaihai Middle Road Chamber of Commerce, Huangpu District, Shanghai, visited the foreign company Deke Shanghai Company

  • 上海市总工会党组成员、经审会主任、机关党委书记丁巍,率市总工会相关领导赴Foreign company adecco上海公司开展“防疫情、稳经济、保安全”调研走访

  • Deputy Minister of Organization Department of Huangpu District Party Committee of Shanghai, Secretary of the District Socialist Party Working Committee Cheng Yangyong and other leaders visited FCO to investigate the resumption of work and production, and Song Feifei, Party secretary and general manager of FCO Shanghai Company, attended the meeting and accompanied the research

  • 上海市黄浦区退役军人事务局党组书记、局长朱畅江携副局长斯成效,分管科长赖福群一行莅临Foreign company adecco上海公司交流调研

  • 上海市人社局人力资源开发与市场管理处处长林华携副处长陈志福等一行莅临Foreign company adecco上海公司调研,黄浦区人社局副局长高小燕等陪同调研

  • Party Building 101, Struggle acceleration - The Foreign company's Party Committee held a celebration of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

  • "Win4Youth 2022" was held & iCE Flying iCE LiVE Oriental Pearl Ice Carnival "Foreign company Decco Shanghai special event

  • Adecco Group Global Philanthropy Project CEO for One Month 2022 China region registration officially launched

  • Decco Shanghai wins "2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Contribution Award"

  • Adecco Shanghai won the "Huangpu District Investment Promotion Outstanding Contribution Award"

  • Adecco Shanghai Talent Selection and Sharing Business Division Enabling Solution center won the honorary title of "Shanghai March 8th Red Flag Collective in 2021"


  • Alain Dehaze, CEO of adecco Group先生参与世界经济论坛达沃斯议程,强调Reskilling和Upskilling对降低失业率的重要作用

  • FESCO Adecco 携手黄浦区淮海中路街道举办专题讲座,为与会创业者带来提升人力效能及加强团队凝聚力的干货分享

  • FESCO Adecco held an online theme event, and specially invited Lawyer Yu Bin, Director of the Legal Department, and Ms. Xu Xian, senior policy consultant, to provide practical guidance and risk avoidance for corporate HR on the relevant laws and regulations of enterprise digital transformation and the latest policies under the new model of tax collection and management。

  • 凭借专业服务以及疫情期间的及时响应与全流程线上管理,FESCO Adecco 荣获COTY 2020年度服务之星

  • FESCO Adecco's Digital Management Centre is celebrating its new home in Qiantan

  • Adecco Group Global Philanthropy Project CEO for One Month 2021 China region registration officially launched

  • 与西班牙领事馆商务处进行会晤,通过外籍人服务成功案例展现 FESCO Adecco 专业领域的服务优势

  • FESCO Adecco was awarded the title of "Caring Unit for Disabled Persons" by Shanghai Huangpu Disabled Persons' Federation

  • "Just Gather Huangpu" 2021 Huangpu District reserve talent recruitment launch ceremony was successfully held,Huangpu District Party secretary, there Cloud delivered a speech, Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, was invited to attend,At the same time, FESCO Adecco was awarded the "Huangpu District Talent Reserve Project cooperation Unit", which will attract talents to Huangpu District in the future,Help outstanding talents to broaden their personal employment opportunities

  • FESCO Adecco and Shanghai Huangpu District Promotion Center jointly held offline job promotion meetings to provide one-to-one resume revision, interview guidance and job recommendation services for young trainees of the "Huangpu District Support Industry Through Train" program

  • Co-sponsored by the British Council and FESCO, FESCO Adecco and its professional recruitment brand FA Talent invited a number of well-known companies to participate in the recruitment fair in Shanghai to build a two-way selection platform for candidates and companies

  • FESCO Adecco 与东华大学、上海工程技术大学及杉达学院多所高校合作,开展求职培训课程与求职大赛,为大学生提供就业指导

  • FESCO Adecco was invited to attend the HR Digital Transformation Summit,Ms. Jiang Yueyue, director of the Digital Back Office Business Center, described the technological innovation of the human resources industry in a simple way for the HR participants,In particular, the use of natural Language Processing (NLP) technology is shared

  • FESCO Adecco 荣获由HRFlag颁发的“2021最佳人力资源综合服务供应商”及“2021年度人力资源服务业品牌大奖”

  • Appointed by the Board of Directors, Ms. Song is the General Manager of FESCO Adecco Shanghai, a foreign company

  • The adecco Group has appointed Mr. Ying Ni as Executive Director of adecco (China) Investment Co., LTD&Chief executive officer

  • FESCO Adecco 在黄浦区小东门街道、社会工作委员会的指导下,组织新冠疫苗接种专场,为客户员工、相关街道及企业等千余人提供疫苗接种服务

  • FESCO Adecco 携手瑞士商会举办“雇员社会保障与税务挑战解析”论坛,高级政策顾问徐贤受邀为中瑞企业代表分享社保政策与趋势

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(The Adecco Group)与北京外企(FESCO)宣布成立合资公司 LHH FESCO

  • FESCO Adecco won the "Top 100 Key Enterprises in Huangpu District 2020", ranking 15th

  • FESCO Adecco won the "Huangpu District Annual Impact Enterprise Award"

  • FESCO Adecco 荣膺智享会颁发的“2021中国灵活用工HR臻选服务机构-制造业蓝领岗位”、“2021中国灵活用工HR臻选服务机构-服务业”、“2021中国灵活用工HR臻选服务机构-白领岗位“以及“2021中国残疾人招聘就业HR臻选服务机构”四项大奖

  • 上海市黄浦区委副书记、区长沈山州一行莅临 FESCO Adecco 调研,对公司十年来的高速发展给予高度评价

  • Xu Tao, Vice Minister of Organization Department and Secretary of Social Work Committee of Huangpu District Party Committee of Shanghai visited FESCO Adecco to investigate and guide party building work

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台公布2021财年第一季度财报,创造了2021年的稳健开局,盈利率持续增长,现金流表现强劲,营收温和增长

  • Twenty young people from all over the country gathered in Shanghai as CEO of adecco Group's global public welfare activities for One Month 2021 Top 20 contestants in China. Xu Yunqi, a freshman from East China University of Political Science and Law, passed the layers of selection and became the winner in China

  • FESCO Adecco's second COVID-19 vaccination session was successfully held, and under the guidance of Xiaodong Gate Street and Social Work Committee in Huangpu District, FESCO Adecco completed the vaccination for more than 1,000 people, including customers' employees, related streets and enterprises

  • FESCO Adecco 联合LHH领德管理咨询,聚焦职场新世代,汇聚来自70、80、90和95后的职场达人开展沉浸式沙龙活动

  • FESCO Adecco 携手上海市黄浦区就促中心,通过“黄浦区助业直通车”项目为瑞金街道求职青年开展职业测评分析沙龙活动

  • 2021汽车行业人力资源峰会在上海举办,FESCO Adecco 受邀参展并与人力资源管理精英们共同探讨汽车行业人力资源管理升级

  • Zhang Yan, deputy Secretary and Governor of Shangcheng District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, visited adecco Shanghai for research and guidance

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台CEO Alain Dehaze出席世界经济论坛就业重构峰会,呼吁各界关注技能重塑与技能提升

  • Adecco (China) Investment Co., Ltd. won the "2020-2021 Huangpu District Outstanding Development Enterprise Award", Executive Director&CEO Mr. Ni Ying attended the award ceremony

  • Adecco Shanghai released The latest research report "The Coming Future of HR",Coming Soon: A Panoramic Scan of the Evolution of Human Resource Management,The report focuses on eight areas to reveal the future evolution direction of human resources,Ms. Song Feifei, General manager of FCO Shanghai, attended the report conference and delivered a keynote speech

  • Foreign company adecco上海党委庆祝建党百年系列活动相继举办,“庆祝中国共产党成立100周年主题活动”、“百年征程·上海启程”健步行活动圆满落下帷幕

  • 为响应人社部“百日千万网络招聘专项行动”,Foreign company adecco上海为上海市黄浦区淮海中路街道求职者提供职业能力测评、职业规划等特色职业指导服务

  • Foreign company adecco上海受邀参加智享会2021招聘与任用价值大奖实践分享会,人才臻选与共享事业部招聘经理韩晓宇先生为到场嘉宾分享如何搭建数字化外包招聘组织

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(The Adecco Group)宣布收购AKKA Technologies并将与旗下专注技术解决方案的品牌Modis合并,To create the world's second largest company in the engineering R&D market,This will also be a powerful platform to promote the development of the smart industry in the future

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(The Adecco Group)公布2021财年第二季度财报,营业收入增长强劲,毛利率增速显著并已接近疫情前的水平

  • Foreign company adecco®Mr. Wen Qinshan, chairman of the board, visited adecco Suzhou for research and guidance

  • “FAFULI年中客户业务研讨会”顺利举办,客户企业高管齐聚一堂,见证FAFULI在“数字化员工福利”体系建设长路上的坚持与决心,Foreign company adecco®Mr. Wen Qinshan, Chairman of the board, and Ms. Song Feifei, General manager of adecco Shanghai, were invited to attend and deliver speeches

  • The Shanghai Party Committee of the foreign company Decke held the theme activity of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with the theme of "Unswerving Heart at the beginning of a Century, the Spark of the Age"

  • Foreign company adecco上海Trade union federation举办“奋斗新时代,逐梦新征程”Foreign company adecco杯运动会,吸引了24家企业代表队参与其中

  • Foreign company adecco上海举办FutureMe系列公开体验课,为与会HR分享如何帮助员工平衡工作,保持良好状态以及提升职业形象

  • The first batch of students from the Communist School of Shanghai Huangpu District visited adecco Shanghai, a foreign company, to start a one-day career experience

  • HRFlag released the "2021 Top 100 Human Resource Service Brands in China" list, foreign company adecco®凭借在人力资源服务行业中所做出的出色成绩和优秀表现,以卓越的企业实力与品牌影响力,从众多企业中脱颖而出位列榜单第2位

  • Shen Feng, deputy Director of Shanghai World Expo Administration Bureau, and his delegation visited Decco Shanghai Digital Management Center for research and guidance

  • The Adecco Group today reported industry-leading earnings strength for the first half of the 2021 financial year, helped by a recovery in Europe and North America, as well as a significantly improved product portfolio and efficient execution of its pricing strategy

  • The Adecco Group has announced that it will accelerate the implementation of its Future@Work strategy,Simplify your portfolio of talent solutions,Combining nine brands and positioning LHH as the group's global talent solutions leader,Strengthen its leadership position in the fully integrated HR services market

  • 上海市黄浦区总工会与Foreign company adecco上海工会、上海外服(集团)有限公司雇员工会、埃森哲(中国)有限公司工会共同签订黄浦区外商投资企业工会工作合作协议,And will be in the formation of trade unions, trade union services, innovation and development,Carry out exchanges and cooperation,Unite and organize employees and promote the development of enterprises

  • Foreign company adecco上海举办FutureMe系列公开体验课聚焦后疫情时代下的医药行业,邀请盈科律师事务所合伙人陆夏岩律师为HR带来医药行业法律话题分享

  • Foreign company adecco上海党委获颁中共黄浦区委庆祝中国共产党成立100周年暨两优一先评选 “先进基层党组织”荣誉称号

  • Deke Shanghai Volunteer Service Team was awarded the title of "Youth Commando" by the Huangpu District Committee of the Communist Youth League

  • Wu Guiying, member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Changsha Municipal Party Committee, met with adecco®Chairman, Mr. Wen Qinshan

  • Foreign company adecco®Mr. Wen Qinshan, chairman of the board, visited Adecco Shenzhen for research and guidance

  • The 2021 Top 500 Chinese Companies list was released, and FESCO Group ranked 217

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台(The Adecco Group)宣布收购法国第二大全数字化劳动力解决方案提供商QAPA以进一步提升数字化能力

  • Adecco Shanghai and Shanghai Jing 'an District Blood Donation Office jointly organized a blood donation activity, which attracted more than 100 employees and customer employees to participate

  • "Foreign Company Deco Cup" Huangpu District night view fixed point cycling race was successfully held, nearly 200 customer employees and building white-collar workers participated in it

  • Adecco Shanghai held a series of FutureMe activities and invited Lawyer Hu Yuanzhuo, senior partner of Yingke Law Firm, to bring HR a practical legal lecture on labor relations management with the theme of "Coping with Complex Labor relations"

  • Adecco Shanghai has been listed in the "Top 100 foreign-Invested Enterprises in Shanghai in 2020" issued by the Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment

  • Mr. Wen Qinshan, Chairman of adecco ®, visited FA Talent Beijing for research and guidance

  • Ms. Song Feifei, Secretary of the Party Committee and General manager of Decco Shanghai, was elected as a delegate to the Third Party Congress of Huangpu District, Shanghai

  • The 4th China-Eu Talent Forum was successfully held, organized by the Beijing Bureau of Talent Work and The Adecco Group. The forum was held simultaneously in Beijing and Zurich, both offline and online. Nearly 200 Chinese and foreign guests gathered for the forum to discuss talent exchange and cooperation

  • Deco Shanghai won the "2021 Shanghai May Day Labor Award" issued by Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions

  • The Adecco Group's Experience Work Day 2021 theme event was successfully held, with the participation of branches around the world, helping young people to start their career in the post-COVID-19 era through online and offline training courses。在中国,Foreign company adecco上海的人力资源专家也走到高校学生之中,为200多位高校学生带去职业规划与简历撰写培训课程

  • Foreign company adecco上海举办《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》解读活动,邀请法务部总监俞斌律师与薪税服务总监黄恩一先生为大家解读法规与探讨企业合规性的准备

  • Foreign company adecco上海Trade union federation举办家庭日活动,邀请客户及员工家庭近800余人观看中国非遗文化《十大网赌靠谱网址平台》专场演出


  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台前董事会主席Rolf Dörig先生,因对上海市经济建设、社会发展和对外交流等方面做出的突出贡献获颁“白玉兰纪念奖”

  • Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, was interviewed by the "Listening to the Bund · Executive Interview" column group of Shanghai Huangpu District Financial Office, sharing how to overcome the impact of the epidemic, serve customer enterprises to resume work and stabilize employee employment with the support of the government

  • 中国国际服务贸易交易会在京隆重开幕,FESCO Adecco 作为人力资源服务行业的标杆企业之一,受北京市人力资源和社会保障局的邀请参加盛会

  • 黄浦区委书记杲云,以及副区长杨东升、区委办主任汤宏、区金融办党组书记、主任徐树杰一行,检查 FESCO Adecco 疫情防控工作

  • Rao Keqin, head of the Fifth Steering Group of the National Prevention and Control Inspection work, and experts from Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, Economic and Information Commission, Huangpu District leadership and Steering group inspected FESCO Adecco's epidemic prevention and control work and gave them full recognition

  • Jin Xingming, Vice Chairman of Shanghai Political Consultative Conference visited FESCO Adecco

  • Hao Wei, Deputy Secretary of Qingdao Political and Legal Committee, visited FESCO Adecco

  • Wang Tingkai, Deputy Director of Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, Tan Xiongwei, Executive Deputy Director of Changsha Furong District, Second Inspector of Dai Zhongya Management Committee of Xiangjiang New District, and Lei Lingxiang, Deputy director of Yuelu District visited FESCO Adecco

  • Xu Feng, President of Shanghai Women's Federation, visited FESCO Adecco to understand the important role played by female employees in the development of the company, and congratulated FESCO Adecco on winning the honorary title of Women's Civilization Post

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台前董事会主席 Rolf Dörig 先生,因对上海市经济建设、社会发展和对外交流等方面做出的突出贡献获颁“白玉兰纪念奖”

  • Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生受邀出席“中瑞建交70周年启动仪式”,与200余位政商各界嘉宾,共同见证中瑞建交70周年庆祝活动拉开帷幕

  • Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生接受HRflag“旗思妙谈”栏目专访,分享企业管理实践与洞察,畅谈人力资源前沿趋势

  • Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生受邀参加上海市黄浦区头部企业沙龙,共同探讨后疫情时代的危与机

  • Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生接受上海市黄浦区金融办“外滩倾听·高管访谈”栏目组专访,分享在政府支持下如何克服疫情影响,十大网赌靠谱网址平台企业复工和稳定员工就业

  • FESCO Adecco CEO倪瀛先生、COO周科先生、销售总监袁云仙女士受邀出席HR Flag 2021 CHO迎新晚宴,Mr. Zhou Ke, COO Officer, shared the theme,Analyze labor market trends for business managers and HR elites and FESCO Adecco's future journey in the digital field

  • The adecco Group was ranked 7th in the "World's Best Places to Work 2020"

  • China has jumped to 42nd place in the 2020 Global Talent Competitiveness Index released by adecco Group

  • Adecco Group Asia research report released,By interview 1,500 employees and managers from China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India and South Korea,The results of the survey show that traditional working patterns are undergoing a significant shift,How to use the opportunity to reshape the post-pandemic workplace "new normal" is becoming a common challenge faced by employees and enterprises

  • Alain Dehaze, CEO of adecco Group 先生From the headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and the members of the Executive Committee sent their warm greetings to FESCO Adecco employees affected by the outbreak, and mobilized resources and protective masks from all over the world to reinforce FESCO Adecco's fight against the epidemic

  • Adecco Group Experience Work Day was successfully held, bringing more than 50 training courses through the new online platform to help young people start their career in the post-COVID-19 era。FESCO Adecco 职业顾问袁秋烨受邀带来专场线上培训课程,吸引超过1,000位高校学生在线收看

  • Adecco announced that it will focus on its "Future@Work" strategy and focus on three business modules: Adecco, Talent Solutions and Modis to accelerate digital organizational transformation in order to create greater value for customers and candidates

  • The "2020 Greater China Salary Guide" was officially released, looking forward to the talent trend under the digital transformation

  • FESCO Adecco launched a survey on the return to work status of enterprises and received responses and support from more than 500 customer enterprises。调研围绕复工日期、复工方式、隔离政策等方面展开,为企业管理者和HR提供参考,帮助大家在疫情期间做出更为妥帖的人力资源决策

  • FESCO Adecco launched the "Future of Work in the post-Pandemic Era" survey, inviting professionals to share with business managers their outlook and expectations for the post-pandemic era, as well as changes in work conditions and industries before and during the pandemic

  • Randstad Greater China and several partners, including FESCO Adecco, jointly established the "HR Agencies to Help College Students find Jobs" alliance。In response to the call of the Shanghai Municipal Government,Give full play to the market allocation and professional advantages of human resources organizations,Do a good job of employment services for college graduates wholeheartedly,By carrying out a series of activities such as resume production guidance, job search psychology, and on-site recruitment,Directional and accurate matching push job information,To build a bridge between fresh graduates and social positions,Expand the position,Promote employment

  • 中国国际服务贸易交易会在京隆重开幕,FESCO Adecco 作为人力资源服务行业的标杆企业之一,受北京市人力资源和社会保障局的邀请参加盛会。LHH(Lee Hecht Harrison)中国区总经理Audrey Low女士也受邀作为嘉宾出席

  • As one of the parallel forums of the 2020 Zhongguancun Forum, the third China-Eu Talent Forum was held in Beijing。该论坛由中国驻瑞士使馆和十大网赌靠谱网址平台于2018年共同发起,已在苏黎世举办两届,在加强中欧人才十大网赌靠谱网址平台方面取得积极成效和良好的社会反响

  • "Ten years of Roc, nine nights of Roc" FESCO Adecco's 10th anniversary celebration was a success

  • FESCO Adecco joins hands again with "iCE LiVE Oriental Pearl Ice Carnival",Responding to the national call of "300 million people on ice and snow",At the same time, more people are encouraged to join the Win4Youth global charity sports activities initiated by the adecco Group,For more than a thousand customers and employees to bring zero distance to feel the charm of ice and snow sports opportunities

  • FESCO Adecco joined hands with Shanghai Huangpu District Promotion Center to jointly create the "Huangpu District Support Industry Through Train" project。Relying on Dingding platform, the original offline traditional projects are transformed into digital, providing professional job search training, career guidance and job recommendation for young students

  • Organized by Huangpu District Science and Technology Commission and co-organized by FESCO Adecco, the second series of activities of "Focusing on Talents, Building Dreams in Huangpu" went smoothly. Zuo Yimei, Deputy Director of Huangpu District and Huang Hong, Deputy Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Director of the Foreign Experts Service Department of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission were invited to attend the event and delivered speeches

  • FESCO Adecco co-organized the event with CBBC, the UK-China trade Association,We invited Mr. Helen Ying, General Manager of Retail and Consumer Services, and other experts,How to better face the diversified channels in China,Differentiated regional consumption habits,Realize the development mode of both online and offline cycles

  • FESCO Adecco organizes the "Focus on Talent,Dream Huangpu "Huangpu District service foreign high-end talent series activities,Shen Shanzhou, deputy secretary of Huangpu District Party Committee, delivered a speech,It aims to cooperate with the Science and Technology Committee of Huangpu District to provide services for foreign high-end talents in the region,Give full play to the social role of experts and talents in serving regional economy

  • FESCO Adecco 联合法商会举办主题活动,与企业管理者共同讨论实施数字化转型的主要驱动因素和目标,分享实际案例,讨论可能面临的挑战

  • 第五届“3E商业运营年会-医药行业年度人才发展大会”在上海隆重开幕,FESCO Adecco 联动医药行业,共同促进行业发展

  • FESCO Adecco was invited to participate in the cloud flexible labor Carnival online summit, retail and consumer service business BI development director Hu Yiheng girl was invited to deliver a keynote speech "Spring breeze is short of you - only Lele is not as good as the shared manpower of Lele"

  • FESCO Adecco 受邀出席由GHR主办的人力资源变革管理峰会,与众多HR集聚一堂共同探讨变革转型为企业带来的进步

  • FESCO Adecco offline seminar,邀请国内知名财税专家赵国庆老师、FESCO Adecco 薪酬解决方案中心总监陈晓洁女士、资深政策顾问徐贤女士,Under the era of tax collection and management around big data,The latest individual tax reform and social security income tax and other New Deal hot spots,Share with more than 200 HR staff how to better manage social security and payroll taxes and risk control

  • FESCO Adecco was invited to participate in the 25th China Learning and Development Expo, and Ms. Eva Wang, Global Talent Development Solutions Manager at LHH, brought leadership, digital solutions and other cutting-edge trends to share with HR participants

  • FESCO Adecco was invited to attend the HR Flag Compensation and Benefits Summit, and Ms. Xiaojie Chen, Director of Compensation Solutions Center, shared the key points and impact of personal tax reform with the participating business managers

  • Under the guidance of Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau,FA Talent and government departments at all levels in Pudong New Area jointly held the first large-scale job fair for fresh graduates in Shanghai after the epidemic,And provide AI website services on site,Support one-click resume delivery, robot automatic data transmission,Define features such as intent tags,Enable the recruitment of precise candidates in a short time,Save time and cost for both candidates and enterprises

  • Xing Shaoguo, Deputy General manager of FA Talent先生Invited to attend the China-Switzerland Economic Forum (SSEF 2020)。论坛汇聚中瑞企业界最有影响力的声音,聚焦“共创更美未来——智慧与可持续发展”话题,促进了互惠互利的双边贸易关系及紧密的商务合作

  • FESCO Adecco RPA项目校园招聘宣讲首站启动,致力于打造针对高校毕业生等求职群体,开展集培训、考核、推荐、上岗为一体的赋能项目

  • FESCO Adecco has cooperated with Donghua University, Tongji University of Wuhan Textile University and East China University of Political Science and Law to launch a series of courses called "Online Job Training Camp" to provide online career guidance for college students and help them better integrate into work life

  • FESCO Adecco 举办2021届华东师范大学毕业生优选企业招聘会,助力上海市黄浦区就业促进中心,促进毕业生充分就业、提升就业质量

  • Mr. Yu Bin, Director of the Legal Department of FESCO Adecco, and Ms. Wang Xiaolai, Account Director of the Retail and Consumer Service Division of FESCO Adecco were invited to attend the online event of "Corporate Labor Cost Management and Flexible Employment" of Shanghai HR Alliance,From the perspective of law and employment, the author interprets the two employment modes of labor dispatch and labor outsourcing,At the same time, it analyzes the application of labor relations in the identification of labor relations in the field of "Internet +" for enterprise managers

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organizes online events,Special invitation to Ms. Chen Xiaojie, Director of Compensation Solutions Center, and Ms. Xu Xian, senior policy Advisor,For the social security burden reduction policy during the epidemic period and the first comprehensive income tax settlement,The most authoritative policy interpretation is shared exclusively with HR online

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organizes online events,In particular, Mr. Yu Bin, Director of the Legal Department, and Mr. Pang Tao, partner of Zhide Law Firm, were invited to discuss the changing trend of employment from external companies,And the enterprise to deal with the cost control strategy,Discuss with HR the legal double-edged sword of enterprise cost control

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Mr. Lu Yeting, senior consultant of talent development, and Mr. Wang Yu, partner of XLearning, to share with HR how to organically combine online and offline training and do a good job in "cloud group construction" to empower employees

  • FESCO Adecco organized an online event and invited Ms Wang Xiaolei, Account Director of Retail and Consumer Services, and Ms Hu Yiheng, BI Director, to discuss a comprehensive solution for sharing manpower with HR to help everyone better cope with changes brought about by future employment needs

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Mr. Hua Shixin, head of Information Technology Outsourcing Center, and Mr. Ding Hongchang, Chief architect of Xinyong Zhonghe, to share how HR should work with programmers to gain insight into the future employment trends of the IT industry

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Ms. Luo Chao Ying, Director of Business Service Center and Overseas Business, and Mr. Shen Yufeng, Managing Director of Take5 People Greater China, to discuss with HR the opportunities and challenges of Chinese enterprises in various stages of going overseas

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Mr. Junlong Cao, Director of Employee Welfare of FAFULI, to share how to help HR deeply transform employee welfare value with digital thinking through a large amount of data analysis and a series of practical cases

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organizes online events,We invite Ms. Qian Zhan Jing, HR Director and Ms. Li Yutong, Senior Project Manager of Talent Selection and Sharing Division,From the perspective of enterprise management of administrative personnel,And the employee's own career development needs,How can you recruit the right executive

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Ms. Jin Qi, Director of New products of Digital Management Center, and Mr. Liu Weizhe, Director of KA Solutions, to share the way of human resource management, helping HR to break out of the "busy trap", free their hands and realize more value

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club organized an online event and invited Ms. Chen Xiaojie, Director of Compensation Solutions, and Ms. Xu Xian, Policy Consultant, to help HR companies understand policies and avoid potential risks while making good use of policies

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club邀请到数字化管理中心项目经理王晓菲女士和资深证件业务专家何经纬女士,For the HR of Zhangjiang Science City enterprise to share the interpretation of Shanghai settlement policy and the use of residence permit points online,And how to use digital means to reduce costs and increase efficiency for enterprises, and use policy benefits to retain talents for enterprises

  • FESCO Adecco HR Club invited Ms. Lanjuan Hu, Immigration consultant of FESCO Adecco HR Center, to share and interpret relevant policies and application processes of foreign nationals' work permits in China, as well as the latest developments of China's immigration policies

  • FESCO Adecco Party Committee, together with Shanghai Jing 'an District Blood Donation Office, jointly organized a blood donation activity, which attracted 158 employees and customers' employees to participate, and has attracted nearly 800 participants since 2013

  • “黄浦区第三届市民运动会Foreign company adecco楼宇白领城市定向赛”圆满落幕,来自黄浦区的40支知名企业队伍、超过200人共同参加

  • The opening ceremony of Futsal football match of "Foreign Company Deco Cup" building in Yangtze River Delta was held in Shanghai Luwan Stadium

  • "Foreign Company Deco Cup" table beat table tennis elite competition, in Huangpu District workers gymnasium successfully concluded

  • FESCO Adecco 凭借在外包业务上的专注、专心与专业,荣膺由HRoot颁发的“大中华区最佳人力资源外包机构(合资)”大奖

  • FESCO Adecco named "BEST 50 HR Service Providers" by American Training Magazine

  • FESCO Adecco 获得智享会颁发的“2020中国薪酬管理外包甄选服务机构”、“2020中国残疾人招聘就业HR甄选服务机构”、“2020中国灵活用工HR甄选服务机构-白领岗位”、“2020中国招聘流程外包(RPO)HR甄选服务机构” 四项大奖

  • FESCO Adecco won the "2019 China Government and Enterprise Service Best Talent Support Award" from Huawei

  • FESCO Adecco won the NewFlag "Best Innovative Company of 2021" and the NewFlag "Best Solution Award" for its "IT Elite Talent Outsourcing Solution" 

  • 华为中国地区部供应商大会在古都西安盛大召开,FESCO Adecco 荣膺“地区部政企服务最佳人才支撑奖”

  • FESCO Adecco Trade union federationIt was awarded the title of "Home of Advanced Workers" by Huangpu District Federation of Trade Unions in 2018-2019

  • FESCO Adecco Trade union federationWon the "Huangpu District third Citizen Movement" special award

  • FAFULI wins "China Compensation & Benefits Provider Value Award 2020"

  • FA Talent won the first Shanghai Human Resources Service "Bole" Award issued by Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the First Resource "Top 10 Foreign Capital/Joint Venture in China Headhunting Industry Ranking 2020" and the title of "Extraordinary ·HUNTER"


  • 上海市黄浦区发改委、FESCO Adecco 及第三方技术服务企业签署了人力资源公共信用信息服务备忘录

  • 实现劳动合同电子化,从线下纸质签署转移到线上一键签约,FESCO Adecco 帮助企业实现智慧管理,加速效能升级

  • Mr. Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing Municipality, met with Mr. Rolf Dorig, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Adecco Group, Mr. Wang Yige, Party Secretary and Chairman of Beijing Foreign Enterprise Service Group, Mr. Huo Lianming, Deputy Party Secretary, Director and General Manager of Adecco Group, and directors of FESCO Adecco

  • Mr. Alain Dehaze, CEO of Adecco Group, Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, and a delegation of directors attended the Summer Davos and were invited to attend and participate in a number of thematic dialogues as co-chairmen

  • "FESCO 40th Anniversary Brand Exhibition" was held in B2 Art Gallery of Shanghai Center

  • The Lucerne Festival has been invited to Shanghai again by the Adecco Group Foundation and FESCO Adecco

  • Participated in the second China-Eu Talent Forum co-organized by the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland and adecco Group

  • Once again invited to attend the 2019 Swiss Innovation Week hosted by the Swiss Embassy in China

  • To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of FESCO, the "Deco ·2019 Shanghai Center International Vertical Marathon" was held

  • 6th FESCO Adecco's Greater China Salary Guide

  • The National Professional training course on Administrative Management for retired athletes has been held in Shanghai for three consecutive years

  • Won the "2018 Shanghai Huangpu District High-end Service Industry Top 100 Enterprise Certificate", ranked 10th

  • Won the title of "Human Resource Service Industry Integrity Demonstration Institution" issued by Shanghai Talent Service Industry Association

  • Selected for the first time in the "2019 Best Workplaces in Greater China" issued by the Great Place to Work Institute

  • Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生荣获北京外企服务集团“兴企有为奖”、十大网赌靠谱网址平台最高级别奖项 Chairman’s Award 2019

  • 斩获十大网赌靠谱网址平台全球性公益体育项目 Win4Youth年度大奖“Win4Youth Award 2019 - Top Contributor”

  • FESCO Adecco won the "2019 Top 12 Flexible Labor Service Agencies in China", "2019 Top 10 Payroll Management Outsourcing Service Agencies in China" and "2019 China Payroll & Benefits Provider Value Award" at SmartPick,Training Magazine's "2019 BEST 50 Industry Awards",新旗NewFlag“2019雇主品牌创意大赛——最佳雇主品牌实践奖”、“年度最佳创新公司奖、最佳产品奖-兼职类”

  • FA Talent won the "Top 10 Recruitment Process Outsourcing Service Agencies in China 2019" for the third time, and the "Top 10 Headhunting Brands" and "Top 50 Human Resource Service Brands" jointly initiated by Beijing Business Daily and Beijing Talent Market News in Beijing in 2019.

  • FAFULI won the honorary titles of "2019 Popular HR Service Agency" by Global Human Resources Think Tank, "Innovation Award for Human Resources Service Project" and "Excellent Human Resources Service Agency of Guangdong Province" by Guangdong Human Resources Research Society


  • Deco Shaanxi Company was established

  • The number of service employees exceeds 2 million, serving more than 20,000 customers

  • 中央政治局委员、上海市委书记李强、上海市黄浦区委副书记、区长巢克俭亲切会见 Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生一行

  • Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, and his delegation attended the Summer Davos for the fifth time

  • Focusing on the career development of musicians, "Adecco Night", the world-renowned Lucerne music festival, was held in Shanghai for the first time

  • Participated in the 2018 Swiss Innovation Week hosted by the Embassy of Switzerland in China

  • Participated in the first China-Eu Talent Exchange Forum co-organized by the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland and adecco Group

  • The 2018 National Professional Training Course on Administrative Management for Retired Athletes was successfully completed in Shanghai

  • FESCO Adecco's Greater China Salary Guide is published for the fifth time since 2014

  • 荣获“2017年上海市黄浦区高端服务业100强企业证书”,排名第9位, 成功跻身前10,较2016年上升7位

  • It was ranked 29th in the "Top 100 Foreign-Funded Enterprises in 2017" issued by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce

  • The total tax payment exceeded 900 million yuan, ranking among the top 10 in Huangpu District for the first time

  • Since 2006, it has been awarded the title of "Trustworthy Human Resource Service Organization" by Shanghai Talent Service Industry Association for the 10th time

  • Won the award of "2018-2019 Huangpu District Talent Service Center with good reputation, good reputation, high integrity, green channel service Enterprise"

  • Awarded "Highest Pre-Tax Profit Growth Award 2018" by adecco Group

  • 荣获HRoot“2017-2018 大中华区最佳人力资源外包机构(外资/合资)”大奖、智享会“2018中国灵活用工服务机构10强”、“2018中国薪酬管理和外包服务机构10强”大奖、美国培训杂志“2018 Top 125”殊荣、伯乐会“2018‘中国好伯乐’人力资源服务领军企业”大奖

  • FA Talent won the Tencent "2017 Annual Accurate Recommendation Award", "2017 OMG Outstanding Talent Partner Award" and "2018 Top 10 Recruitment Process Outsourcing Service Agencies in China" awards at SmartPick


  • Signed the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on International Human Resource Management between BAIC International and FESCO Adecco"

  • A comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement was signed with Shanghai logistics industry

  • A comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement was signed with Shanghai Pudong New Area Federation of Returned Overseas Students

  • On August 1, 2017, Mr. Zhou Ke became the new COO of FESCO Adecco

  • The autonomous welfare platform FAFULI (www.fafuli.com) go online

  • 十大网赌靠谱网址平台首席营销与传播官 Stephan Howeg 先生、Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco先生与董事一行出席夏季达沃斯

  • Sponsored by the Personnel Department of the State General Administration of Sport and co-organized by the Human Resources Development Center of the General Administration of Sport, the Champion Fund and FESCO Adecco, the 2017 National Vocational Training Course on Administrative Management of retired athletes was successfully held

  • It has more than 1 million employees and nearly 12,000 customers

  • FESCO Adecco 荣获 HRoot “2016-2017大中华区最佳人力资源外包机构(外资丨合资)大奖”、智享会“2017中国弹性福利供应商10强”、“2017中国员工福利管理服务机构10强”、“2017中国薪酬管理和外包服务机构12强”、美国培训杂志“2017 Top 125”、伯乐会“最佳员工福利创新服务机构大奖”

  • FA Talent won the "2017 Top 10 Recruitment Process Outsourcing Service Agencies in China"

  • FAFULI wins Tracker Innovation of the Year Award

From 2015 to 2016

  • To undertake the China Talent network employee placement project, and properly settle 1,300 employees in nearly 20 cities across the country

  • The "Yi Gong Bao" system is launched, a one-stop flexible employment service platform to meet the needs of job seekers and improve the efficiency of human resources services

  • 建立行政前台可视化学习体验中心,是国家人力资源和社会保障部教育培训中心授权的全国行政管理职业培训项目培训与颁证机构

  • FESCO Adecco Shenzhen and FESCO Adecco Suzhou were established

  • Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, and his delegation attended the Summer Davos and G20 Summit

  • Jointly held the 18th "China Talent" Award Ceremony and Human Resource Management Development Forum with WACO Group of the Netherlands

  • Employee welfare upgrade mobile service platform, launched "doctor point", "I make an appointment" medical appointment services

  • FESCO Group and adecco Group, together with Ant Financial Services Group, jointly established the Internet human resources service cloud platform - Human Power Nest

  • FESCO Adecco 荣获十大网赌靠谱网址平台“2014年度全球最佳新兴市场区域奖”、“2015最快增长”奖

  • FESCO Adecco Won 2015 "Home of Advanced Workers in Huangpu District", "Demonstration Unit of Harmonious Labor Relations in Huangpu District"

  • FESCO Adecco 荣获2015年度“上海名牌”、“2016年黄浦区高端服务业100强企业第16位”、“2016年黄浦区区长质量奖入围奖”称号

  • FESCO Adecco 荣获HRoot“2015-2016大中华区人力资源服务创新大奖”、“2015-2016大中华区人力资源机构客户满意度大奖”、智享会 “2016弹性福利供应商10强”、“2016薪酬管理和外包服务机构12强”、“2016员工福利管理服务机构10强”

From 2013 to 2014

  • Began to provide personnel services for customers such as Dianping, Samsung Fasion, Casio, Kate Spade, Lego, Siemens, and Lucue

  • The Netherlands and Switzerland visa centers were established

  • Formed a strategic partnership with ADP to provide personnel services to its clients nationwide

  • Huangpu District labor dispute arbitration department "labor dispute mediation docking center" unveiled

  • Business process outsourcing service center was established

  • Core business system - ERP system online

  • Recruitment Department and intelligence service center were established

  • Xpress and the national policy inquiry system are online

  • FESCO Adecco Greater China Salary Guide released

  • Mr. Ni Ying, CEO of FESCO Adecco, and Mr. Ma Sia, COO of FESCO Adecco were invited to attend the 2014 Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin

  • The number of service employees has reached 300,000, and more than 5,000 customers

  • Held Launch Your Career @FESCO Adecco campus recruitment activity, and held campus information sessions in Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Peking University and other famous universities

  • Together with the Cultural and Educational Section of the British Embassy, we jointly organized the "2013 British Career Counsellor's Trip to China" activity

  • FESCO Adecco 2013 Best CSR Sustainable Companies Award Ceremony was held

  • FESCO Adecco Won the 2009-2012 year "National Mass Sports advanced Unit" title

  • FESCO Adecco Won the 2013 "Shanghai Famous Brand", "Shanghai Huangpu District Outstanding Contribution to the economic development of the 42nd top 100 enterprises" title